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LIMITS using the UCNCC software

5 Beiträge
5 Benutzer
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6,243 Ansichten
Beiträge: 2
Active Member

Good day to all, Each and every time I go to my UCCNC software for a project I have to go to the configuration menu and un-select the limits flag to be able to jog in any direction, this is not right I am pretty sure. Anyone have any suggestions, please help


Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 3:19 pm
Beiträge: 506
Honorable Member

If you change anything in your default machine profile you have to save the new configuration with a new profile file name.
Next time start UCCNC like this:

C:UCCNCUCCNC.exe /p Stepcraft2_Model420_abc

where "Stepcraft2_model420_abc" is an example for the new profile name.

Viele Grüße

V2/420 China 800W wassergekühlt

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 4:30 pm
Beiträge: 15
Active Member

I never made a new profile. If I make a change in the settings I simply Apply and Save the settings with the blue buttons and the next run the software remembers my settings.
So I don't think making a new profile to save any settings is neccessary.

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 5:16 pm
Roy Rathner
Beiträge: 358
Reputable Member

If I remember right, the standard profiles do have the write protection flag in Windows.
Pls. check this because your changes are not saved.


SC 600/2; SolidWorks; UCCnC und UC100; EstlCam und Arduino Steuerung; KRESS 800kfme;

Veröffentlicht : 23/08/2016 9:45 pm
Beiträge: 70
Estimable Member

DerRoy: You are exactly right, and the first person to call this to our attention. I needlessly posted a long explanation about directory protection, but posted it in the Software section. As comprehensive as UCCNC is, they should address this in a future release (place customized configurations in an unprotected directory).

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2017 7:18 pm