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D420 with MM1000 DI...
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D420 with MM1000 DI - how does everything plug in?

1 Beiträge
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2,322 Ansichten
David Sargent
Beiträge: 3
Active Member


I'm looking at buying a D420 with MM1000 DI. Also planning on running it using ethernet control and also use a SE2300 switch unit to control the dust extraction.

So I think i'll have 3 parallel port connectors to attach somewhere (ethernet adapter, MM1000 DI and SE2300) - I see there is a 2nd layer module to expand the number of ports but where does that go? Do you get a switch box in the kit? None of the pictures show one, only the ports on the machine itself.

Can someone explain to me please 🙂


Veröffentlicht : 20/11/2021 11:56 am